Debate over guns falters after Texas high school shooting

Silvio Cantu:
Student shootings are horrible events, especially for those who remember dropping off children at schools that look very much like the one near Houston.

Nevertheless, it's good to see that we are not blaming guns or letting left-wing groups use high school students to carry their message.

The Los Angeles Times noticed the difference between South Florida and Houston in this report:
There was no outcry against firearms in Santa Fe after a gunman killed 10 and wounded 13 others Friday. Guns didn't come up at a prayerful vigil attended by 1,000 people that evening. On Saturday, there were no protests, and local leaders don't expect any Sunday.

But three months earlier in Parkland, Fla., the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School that left 17 dead unleashed a movement, with students and parents of the dead organizing, protesting and calling for expanded gun control laws.

Their activism led to school walkouts nationwide, voter registration drives and massive demonstrations, including the March for Our Lives in Washington.

Polls show the U.S. remains deeply divided about guns, and the responses in Parkland and Santa Fe help explain why.

Residents in both cities say something needs to be done about school shootings, but there's no agreement on what that something should be.
I am not surprised how Houston reacted to this.
While early reports said the shooter used an AR-15 those reports were wrong.  He used his father's shotgun and a revolver.  Neither of those weapons fit the gun ban narrative.  The fact that it happened in Texas also did not fit the narrative.  I think Texas will have a more focused approach to the problem of mental health rather than blaming the killings on an inanimate object.


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