Media madness entraps them in story about North Korea negotiations

Mollie Hemingway:

Media Double Down After New York Times Gets Busted Peddling Fake News

There may have been a real White House briefing with real White House officials, but The New York Times couldn't be trusted to accurately summarize what the White House official said. And it wasn't on a minor point.
The media falsely reported what was said during a background briefing and when Trump complained about it by saying they had made up the sources, the media outed the guy who gave the briefing and in the process revealed that they had misreported what was actually said.
You will note that at no time does the White House official say a June 12 meeting is “impossible,” and at no point does he agree that the “ship sailed” or that time has run out. He definitely says it would be difficult to prepare for the summit given the lack of time to do so. His main point, as he says, is that the ball is in North Korea’s court and they need to act quickly.
Clearly The New York Times peddled fake news. There may have been a real White House briefing with real White House officials, but The New York Times couldn’t be trusted to accurately summarize what the White House official said. And it wasn’t on a minor point.

Recall that the whole point of their characterization was to say this official was at odds with Trump and that Trump wasn’t listening to his advisors. The fact that Trump and his advisors were not disagreeing with each other undermines the entire point of The New York Times story.

But rather than admit that The New York Times was incorrect, and their reporters aren’t good at listening to Trump advisors or accurately conveying their remarks, the media claimed that Trump was the one lying, since, well, White House advisors who give briefings exist. See, Trump said no source existed who said the June 12 date was impossible — but a source exists who did not say that. Ergo: Trump lied.

I’m sure you see the logical failures here, even if President Trump could have or should have said that The New York Times attributed fake news to a real source. 
Here is another example of media madness in its attempt to hit Trump and having the hit comeback and smack them in the face.


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