Duplicating Gitmo in the US

Washington Post:

The administration is considering whether to transfer some detainees at the military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to a facility in the United States that would contain courtrooms to hold federal criminal trials and military commissions to prosecute terrorism suspects, administration officials said Sunday.

The maximum-security facility would be jointly run by the departments of Defense, Justice and Homeland Security, with each assuming responsibility for different sets of inmates. Officials said such a facility could also house prisoners held in indefinite detention and those cleared for release but who have no country willing to accept them. Those convicted in federal court or military commissions could serve their terms there.

Officials said administration planners looking for one site for the facility have focused on the military prison at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., and a state maximum-security prison in Standish, Mich., that is scheduled to be closed.


This sounds like a really expensive really bad idea. It is an attempt to pay for an Obama promise that was ill advised and never should have been made. Kansas has already made it clear that it is not interested in housing terrorist. Some in Michigan think housing terrorist can replace the auto business.

Good luck with that, but voters have made it clear they do not want the terrorist brought to this country and they will have an opportunity to reject those who ignore their wishes in 2010. The Democrats are giving them another reason to vote against them.


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