Antiwar pukes push for defeat in Afghanistan

NY Times:

A restive antiwar movement, largely dormant since the election of Barack Obama, is preparing a nationwide campaign this fall to challenge the administration’s policies on Afghanistan.

Anticipating a Pentagon request for more troops there, antiwar leaders have engaged in a flurry of meetings to discuss a month of demonstrations, lobbying, teach-ins and memorials in October to publicize the casualty count, raise concerns about the cost of the war and pressure Congress to demand an exit strategy.

But they face a starkly changed political climate from just a year ago, when President George W. Bush provided a lightning rod for protests. The health care battle is consuming the resources of labor unions and other core Democratic groups. American troops are leaving Iraq, defusing antiwar sentiments in some quarters. The recession has hurt fund-raising for peace groups and forced them to slash budgets. And, perhaps most significant, many liberals continue to support Mr. Obama, or at least are hesitant about openly criticizing him.

Their protest against the Iraq war were based on arguments made in bad faith that we should be concentrating on defeating the enemy in Afghanistan. We will hear more bad faith arguments from these self righteous useful idiots of al Qaeda and other Islamic religious bigots. I have no respect for them and their point of view. Obama won by pandering to these people and he is now going to have to defeat them politically if we are to defeat the enemy trying to kill us.


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