An objective look at Democrat counterterrorism policy

Cal Thomas:


... Somewhere in a cave in Pakistan, Obama bin Laden rejoices. By any objective standard, releasing terrorists from prison and prosecuting their interrogators is nuts. How can these actions fulfill the president's oath to defend the country?

The Justice Department wants to apply new interrogation rules to methods that were used and approved during the George W. Bush administration. This is like lowering the highway speed limit to 55 mph and giving speeding tickets to people who drove 65 mph when the higher speed was legal.

What is to be gained from going after CIA interrogators who thought they were operating within the law and defending the country? Doesn't the white-wine-and-Brie set understand that a terrorist won't discriminate between people with jelly for a backbone and those with backbones of steel? Do they really think they will escape death by being nice to killers who use our laws against us in order to replace those laws with theirs? Islamic terrorists repeatedly say this is their goal, and they have demonstrated it enough by their actions that only a fool would doubt them.

In Malaysia, a Muslim woman awaits a public caning because she was seen drinking beer. "Honor killings," genital mutilation and other forms of abuse against women occur throughout the Islamic world. Hate is taught to young children in some Palestinian textbooks and on TV. Fundamentalist imams envision the downfall of the West and its subordination to Islam by force. Only a deranged person would believe that giving terrorists a cup of tea and the right to manipulate our legal system so they can kill again would turn them into pacifists who would study war no more.


Is there something in the leftist mindset that is hard wired to ignore the reality of our enemies ambitions? That seems to be the pattern over my life time. It is why I continue to say that Democrats should not be trusted with our national security.


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