Democrats caught in the web they weaved weaponizing race and sex

George Nuemayr:
By defining racism so broadly — liberals routinely extend the charge to philosophical matters such as opposition to affirmative action and amnesty — liberalism created a culture that lent itself to over-accusation and political death penalties. Its tendency to put the worst possible interpretation on all things racial also puts Democrats in a corner. They can’t explain away these incidents as bad taste or bad humor; liberalism always looks for deeper and darker reasons than those. That’s why their apologies have to be so freighted with admissions of enormous guilt.
Warren’s credibility as a defender of minorities has taken as bad a hit as Justin Fairfax’s credibility as a defender of women. All of the party’s noise about race and gender looks like overcompensation for misdeeds toward them. Fairfax, Virginia’s lieutenant governor, stands accused of sexual assault back in his days as an aide to the adulterer John Edwards, a biographical detail that gives the charge added color. Again, the culture of heightened sensitivity to such charges that liberalism created has made it difficult for Fairfax and his allies to put out this fire. Having spent much of the summer saying “women should be believed,” Democrats have largely fallen silent about the matter. They don’t want to set off a succession crisis, but at the same time they know that they dare not question his accuser.
Succession in Virginia is not a crisis.  The reason it is described as such is that a REPUBLICAN is in likely to take office as the three ahead of him are found guilty of what Democrats have said requires a political death penalty.  The longer this situation drags on, the more Democrat political hypocrisy is exposed.


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