The high cost of mordita in Mexico

AP/Houston Chronicle:

— Mexicans spent a whopping $2.58 billion in bribes in 2007, some 42 percent more than they doled out just two years ago, according to a poll released Wednesday.

The survey, conducted by the nonprofit group Transparency Mexico, showed that 197 million bribes were paid nationwide in 2007 — compared to 115 million in 2005.

That's almost two for every living Mexican, given the country's population of about 105 million. Bribes ate up about 8 percent of family incomes here in 2007, the study said.

"It has become a habit here in Mexico, and that makes me angry," 30-year-old law student Sarahi Sanchez said. "It hurts, because Mexico is more than just its government. Mexico is not all about corruption. Mexico has art and culture and beauty."

The poll found that while more people are giving out bribes, the average bribe was smaller: about $13, compared to $17 in 2005.


Corruption is so rooted and pervasive in Mexican culture that many people see nothing wrong with it. A continuum runs from tipping a waiter to bribing a politician, with no clear line separating what's acceptable and what's not.

For Rodolfo Guzman, bribes are the price of doing business.

The Mexico City bus driver hands out about 500 pesos ($48) per year to cops so they turn a blind eye when he drops off and picks up passengers at places along the road that are not official bus stops. The bribes run between 20 and 50 pesos ($3.20 to $4.75) every time police catch him.

"The truth is, it is just easier that way," Guzman said, noting that paying a traffic fine would be more costly and time consuming.

But the study also reveals Mexicans must pay bribes even when they're not breaking the law.

Bribes move about 10 percent of all government transactions — including those to obtain construction licenses, vehicle inspection stickers and street-vending permits.


The "little bites," i.e. mordita, distort the free market system. Instead of the guy with the best product at the best price, a construction license will go to someone because they were willing to pay someone to get the business. It is a hidden tax on all Mexicans that makes them all poorer.


  1. This pales incomparison to Hillary Clinton


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