When did Flynn mislead the FBI?

NY Times:

Ex-Trump Aide Says He Is Cooperating in Russia Inquiry

  • The guilty plea by Michael T. Flynn, President Trump’s former national security adviser, brings the investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election into Mr. Trump’s inner circle.
  • Mr. Flynn acknowledged that he is cooperating with the special counsel’s investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election.
I haven't seen a timeline on his interviews but it appears he may have made teh same misleading statements he made to Vice President Pence that caused him to have to leave the administration.  What is weird about the statements is that there was nothing wrong with his contact with the Russian ambassador during the transition period.

There have been some suggestions that he was told by Jared Kushner to make the contact.  I suspect the FBI knows that because Kushner probably told them that he did.  The plea bargain itself demonstrates at this point that there was no collusion about the election.

It appears to turn on a conversation he had with the Russians about recently imposed sanctions by President Obama where Flynn asked them not to overreact.  Apparently, the Russians decided not to overreact.  If this is the case it is miles away from the collusion allegations of the Democrats who have been desperately trying to find an excuse for their election loss.
Obviously, it was wrong of Flynn to give the FBI false information; he could, after all, have simply refused to speak with the agents in the first place. That said, as I argued early this year, it remains unclear why the Obama Justice Department chose to investigate Flynn. There was nothing wrong with the incoming national-security adviser's having meetings with foreign counterparts or discussing such matters as the sanctions in those meetings. Plus, if the FBI had FISA recordings of Flynn's conversations with Kislyak, there was no need to ask Flynn what the conversations entailed.
This is basically a Scooter Libby type process crime and not the crime Mueller is supposed to be investigating concerning the election.  So far it has made the President's enemies in the media giddy, but I suspect they will be disappointed if this is all Mueller has.


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