Pandering to proponents of illegal immigration has deadly consequences

John Kass:
Sanctuary city politics killed Kate Steinle

Her name was Kate Steinle.

The last words she said to her father before she died were “Help me, Dad.”
Kate Steinle isn’t merely a casualty of a senseless act of some habitual criminal who was cleared of murder charges in San Francisco the other day.

Kate Steinle is a casualty of American politics, of sanctuary city politics.

And that makes her a political problem. That makes her an irritant to Democratic politicians and the open-borders types who use sanctuary city policies to bend immigration law and win Mexican-American votes.
He initially told police he’d been shooting at a sea lion.

But if he had killed the sea lion, Zarate would have been convicted of something.

The bullet killed Kate Steinle instead. And a jury acquitted him of all the serious charges, from murder to manslaughter.
In America, we say that justice is blind because we know that without justice under the rule of law, we’re finished.

What happened to Kate Steinle wasn’t justice.

A bullet took her life. But it was politics that killed her.
Democrats will have a hard time defending this verdict.  Even in San Fransico, there was an uproar about the injustice.

Zarate should be indicted by the federal government for five counts of illegal reentry into the US after being deported.  Each count carries a punishment of up to 10 years in the penitentiary.  If he could be locked away for 50 years at least he would not be free to make another illegal reentry.


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