Krugman's Gore derangement

Paul Krugman keeps embarrassing himself and the NY Times with his column and today's is a real howler.


The worst thing about Mr. Gore, from the conservative point of view, is that he keeps being right....

Oh Really?

Consider this column by Mark Steyn:

A COUPLE of days before Al Gore was awarded his Nobel Peace prize, Michael Burton, an English High Court judge and apparently a fine film critic, ruled that Al's Oscar-winner An Inconvenient Truth was prone to "alarmism and exaggeration" and identified nine major factual errors.

For example, the former vice-president predicts a rise in sea levels of 6m "in the near future". "The Armageddon scenario he predicts," declared Burton, "is not in line with the scientific consensus."

I'll say. The so-called scientific consensus of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change suggests rising sea levels across the next century of somewhere between 15cm and 60cm, with about 30cm being most likely. An Inconvenient Truth insouciantly adds a zero to the worst-case scenario.

And nobody minds. His Honour was examining the vice-president's acclaimed crockumentary because the British Government, in its wisdom, has decided to force-feed it to hundreds of thousands of schoolchildren. It would be nice to think it would have to be preceded by a warning that any resemblance between this film and any actual planet living or dead is entirely coincidental, but it seems more likely that the Nobel Peace imprimatur will completely insulate the picture from even the most modest quibbles.


Most of the examples Krugman gave of Gore being "right" are also open to debate. He mentions Bush 41 calling Gore "ozone" man and "but three years later the scientists who discovered the threat to the ozone layer won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry." It is just another example of the politicization of science by the Nobel committee since subsequent scientific research has demonstrated that the so called ozone hole is of no consequence to the earth. It opens and closes all the time and has always done so.

It appears that the derangement is Krugman's. Just as he has been consistently wrong about the economy, he has now added analysis of conservatives as a field where he is wrong.

Melanie Phillips discusses the attempt to stifle debate on global warming that goes with the Nobel award.

Jules Crittenden offers this:

... The maddening thing about Gore is, he keeps being hailed as a prophet despite repeated evidence that at best, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about, and at worst, he’s making things up.
He has more including an idea for a bumper sticker.

Gateway Pundit
also has more on Krugman's Gore derangement.


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