Don't know much about history--former mufti of Jerusalem

Jerusalem Post:

The former mufti of Jerusalem, Ikrema Sabri, has made the claim that there never was a Jewish temple on the Temple Mount, and the Western Wall was really part of a mosque.

"There was never a Jewish temple on Al-Aksa [the mosque compound] and there is no proof that there was ever a temple," he told The Jerusalem Post via a translator. "Because Allah is fair, he would not agree to make Al-Aksa if there were a temple there for others beforehand."

Sabri rejected Judaism's claim to the Western Wall as part of the outer wall of the Second Temple.

"The wall is not part of the Jewish temple. It is just the western wall of the mosque," he said. "There is not a single stone with any relation at all to the history of the Hebrews."


Archeologists overseeing Islamic infrastructure work on the Mount announced this week that they had unveiled a sealed archeological level dating back to the First Temple period.

The First Temple was built by King Solomon in the 10th century BCE, and destroyed by the Babylonians in 586 BCE. The Second Temple was built 70 years later, enlarged during the first century BCE by Herod, and destroyed by the Romans in the year 70.

The Dome of the Rock and Al-Aksa Mosque were constructed on the Temple Mount site in the late seventh century.


He is also quite wrong about not building on others holy sites. Muslims did so in India on Hindu religious sites. There are still fighting over some of them. Muslims also took over the Parthenon in Athens and used is as an ammo storage dump. The ruins are the result of an explosion during a battle for Greece. It seems pretty clear that the mosque was put there in an attempt to suppress Jewish claims and the Jewish religion. The Muslims even made up a story about Mohammad ascending to Paradise from the location although he was never in Jerusalem.


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