Alien "secret weapons" in Italy?


A GOVERNMENT investigation into a series of unexplained fires in fridges, televisions and mobile phones in an Italian village has concluded that the responsibility lies with "aliens testing secret weapons".

In scenes similar to the drama series The X-Files, Canneto di Caronia on Sicily was the centre of world attention three years ago after residents reported everyday household objects - electrical appliances, a pile of wedding presents and furniture - bursting into flames.

Dozens of experts including scientists, electrical engineers and military experts, arrived in the village, in the north of the island, to investigate. One amazed scientist reported seeing an unplugged electrical cable burst into flames.

Arson was ruled out while locals blamed supernatural forces and the Vatican's chief exorcist Father Gabriele Amorth suggested it was Satan's work.

The report, by the Civil Protection Department, was ordered by the Italian government and brought together dozens of experts including a NASA scientist who asked to help with the £1 million investigation.

According to leaked copies, the fires were "caused by high -power electromagnetic emissions which were not man-made and reached a power of between 12 and 15 gigawatts".

The report also details an incident of a possible UFO landing close to Caronia - 60 miles east of Palermo - after "burnt im-prints which have not been explained were found in a field".


This makes our problems with illegal aliens seem much more benign. I wonder what Rep. Tancredo would suggest for Italy's problem. Perhaps the question will come up at the next presidential debate. If not, he should be prepared for it on the YouTube debate.


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