Death on Mars

Times of London:

THE deep-fried Mars bar has achieved legendary status as an example of Scottish haute cuisine.

But many south of the Border — as well as two public- health specialists who live and work in Scotland — suspected that it was simply an urban myth. Surely the nation famed for haggis, neeps and tatties could not stoop to such a deadly speciality?

Now a study by the two specialists has proved that thousands of the deep-fried bars are sold every week.


When it first emerged in 1995 that Europe’s most unhealthy nation was covering Mars bars in batter before deep frying them, some could not quite believe it. The two specialists had never seen deep-fried Mars bars on sale but when they were mentioned by Jay Leno on the NBC Tonight Show, they set out to find if they really existed. They telephoned nearly 500 chip shops across Scotland and found that more than 1 in 5 (22 per cent) sold deep-fried Mars bars. A further 1 in 6 (17 per cent) had sold them in the past but no longer did.

Scotland has among the highest incidence of heart disease, cancer and strokes, the worst teeth and the lowest life expectancy in the developed world.


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