Ortega's speech 50 minutes long but whose counting--Obama

Fox News:

President Obama endured a 50-minute diatribe from socialist Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega that lashed out at a century of what he called terroristic U.S. aggression in Central America and included a rambling denunciation of the U.S.-imposed isolation of Cuba's Communist government.

Obama sat mostly unmoved during the speech but at times jotted notes. The speech was part of the opening ceremonies at the fifth Summit of the Americas here.

Later, at a photo opportunity with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Obama held his tongue when asked what he thought about Ortega's speech.

"It was 50 minutes long. That's what I thought."

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ignored two questions about Ortega's speech, instead offering lengthy praise of a cultural performance of dance and song opening the summit.


This is obvious diplomatic avoidance of a nut job speech. Ortega omitted any discussion of the genocide perpetrated by communism--over 100 million people killed to make way for his socialist paradise. They were killed by communist, not the US. Ortega is a disgrace as is the political and economic policies he supports.


  1. Communism sucks so bad even the Chinese aren't truly communist anymore. Their regime didn't collapse like the Soviet's and they're still moving away from communism because it simply doesn't work. Sadly, repression still seems to be working just fine for them.


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