Race hustle attack on Kinky continues

Houston Chronicle:

As more racially charged comments from Kinky Friedman's past were posted Friday on a pro-Democratic Party Web site, the author-entertainer said his satire was being taken out of context to hurt his independent candidacy for governor.

"When somebody bucks the ... two-party system like this, the system punishes them and it tries to ruin their reputation and assassinate their character," said Friedman, who added that he would "never" apologize as requested by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People because he doesn't think he's done anything wrong.

He said he was opposing racism through satire.

"This is orchestrated, clear as a bell. I don't know if voters know about opposition research and how it's done, but I think some reporters should call (GOP Gov. Rick) Perry's camp and (Democratic candidate for governor Chris) Bell's camp and ask them who does their opposition research," Friedman said.


I am skeptical that it is orchestrated, but it appears to come mainly from blogs that support Democrats. I think this is because of a perception that his support comes more from Democrat voters. It is, unfortunately, too usual that every election cycle Democrats fire up a blacks as victims issue. This disgusting race baiting is just part of the DNA of the modern Democrat party. It is the flip side of the old race baiting of the Democrat party before it decided to let blacks vote. One of the most disgusting campaigns was the outrageous James Byrd ads against President Bush in 2000.


  1. I met with Chris Bell about a year and a half ago.

    Bell’s campaign advisor Jason Stanford asked me to have a meeting with them at the capital, to give them insight on Gov. Rick Perry’s Trans Texas Corridor (TTC) and tolling of roads we’ve already paid for. They asked me to this meeting because I’m the founder of People for Efficient Transportation PAC.

    It’s important to say that our grassroots organization has endorsed good Republicans and Democrats over the last 2 years. We’ve never endorsed an independent candidate. We endorse great candidates who will ignore the party machine and vote for the people.

    Frankly, I never thought I’d write about his meeting, but Chris Bell has crossed the line one two many times, and it’s time someone set the record straight.

    Back to the meeting...I was not impressed with Bell, as he spent more time looking at his laptop screen than joining the conversation at our cafeteria capital small table. I remember how shocked I was when our meeting ended - that I'd wished Jason Stanford was the candidate. Chris Bell was aloof, arrogant and far from the friendly Stanford who simply asked questions and actually listened.

    My opinion of Chris Bell hasn’t improved over the last year in a half.

    He’s failed to show up, after being invited, to any of our important anti-TTC events across the state. Most of these events, especially our largest one, Tunes not Tolls, took place before we made any endorsement decisions. He’s also failed to show up at dozens of TTC hearings that Strayhorn has taken the time to attend across Texas, along with thousand of Texans who fear loosing their homes to Perry’s TTC foreign profit making scheme.

    Why has Chris Bell has failed to say he’ll stop the TTC?

    The democrat party machine will most probably want to move into Perry’s TTC territory and sell Texas for their own gain. This opinion is simply based on what the two parties have been doing since they were born.

    Strayhorn will stop Gov. Perry's TTC.

    Strayhorn has presented a no land grab alternative to the TTC, using existing right of way. Bell has proposed nothing. Nothing for transportation, or education, or any other issue in Texas. Bell has been too busy scrambling to raise a real campaign war chest over the last many months. And, he has failed at that as well.

    Recently Chris Bell has tried telling Texans that Strayhorn was pro-TTC. An outright lie.

    Strayhorn has already taken real action while Chris Bell has done nothing. Chris Bell is actually known for nothing.

    While Bell has been attacking Strayhorn over the past many months, and ignoring Perry (who has lead in 100% of all the polls), Strayhorn has received the support of 100% of the anti TTC and all “no tolls on roads we’ve already paid for” groups throughout Texas.

    Chris Bell’s desperation, fabrications, SMOKE AND MIRRORS become more clear as the election gets closer.

    This week he’s beating his chest about being 5 points away from Perry, and claiming Strayhorn’s campaign is dead. The Chris Bell spin fails to be honest with Texans - The poll they brag about is an online interactive poll!

    The vast majority of the respondents from online polls are from a "database of individuals who have registered to take part in online polls through solicitations on the company's Web site as well as other Web sites that span the political spectrum". Such online polls work for counting college students who all have access to the internet and check e-mail regularly, but I think I can trust your intelligence to realize the flaws when using such methods on the general population.

    And some candidates have actually altered this feeble poll by telling their supporters to go to the poll to deliberately skew the data. Shame on Chris Bell, for desperately trying to trick Texans.

    The usual crucial Texas Democratic supporters have abandoned Chris Bell for INDEPENDENT Carole Keeton Strayhorn.

    Two of the largest voting blocks in Texas have abandoned Chris Bell, the Texas State Teachers Association & Texas Federation of Teachers. And just as important, the usual big dollar Democrat donors have sent all their millions to Strayhorn.

    Why have the usual supporters abandoned Chris Bell? Because they know he just can’t win.

    The facts is Benjamin Franklin could run for governor and loose, if he didn’t have the millions of needed dollars to communicate with millions of Texans via TV.

    Strayhorn, the only woman in the race, has raised over 8 million dollars, Perry has 10 million dollar, Bell has zero million dollars, Kinky has zero million dollars. Oh, and I have the answer to Kinky’s question, “Why the hell not?”. Answer: Kinky is irresponsible.

    Tony Sanchez was the last Dem to run 4 years ago. He had 40 million dollars and he still lost.

    It’s simple, Chris Bell, one of the four white guys in this Gov. Race, was destined to loose in Texas, and the lack of proper campaign funding gives this old and tired candidate the political dirt nap.

    Strayhorn’s TV ads began running a couple weeks ago. The ads were pulled out of respect when Ann Richards passed away. In a few weeks, the real polls, with real numbers will prove that Chris Bell (and his desperate attempt to be a whole candidate) if full of hot air.

    Sure the 10% of hardcore Texas Dems (some of which are my friends) will be stubborn, and vote for Chris Bell while he’s in forth place a month from now, allowing more of a chance of Perry being the longest serving Governor in Texas history.

    But the majority of Texans who want to remove Gov. Perry, along with his corporate welfare schemes, will vote for who is number two (2) in the polls October 23rd, when early voting starts.

    Common sense says that’ll be Carole Keeton Strayhorn, as she is the only candidate with the millions to compete with Perry via the TV commercial wars taking place now across Texas.

    Sal Costello
    Founder of TexasTollParty.com

  2. Saying that some of the people who came from New Orleans were criminals does not make the police or Kinky Friedman racist and it is race hustling to suggest otherwise. Has Friedman proposed any policies that would suggest he is racist?

    He is not my candidate, but I would like to see the race based on the issues aand policy proposals of the candidates and not some fake concern about previous statements.


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