Trump survives three against one debate

 ABC is the most hostile news network when it comes to Trump and it showed at the debate between the network and Harris who was better prepared than she normally is.  Trump is never going to get a fair shake with the Democrats with bylines at ABC.

Phillip Klien notes:

ABC moderator Linsey Davis said Kamala Harris supported a private health care option. This is misleading. She supported kicking 180 million people off current private plans and put all of them in a new Medicare system. Some private companies would be allowed to administer the new Medicare plans.

See also at the NY Post:

 Trump debate performance panned as well-prepped Harris gets help from ABC moderators: ‘3 on 1’

ABC is not a network I would trust when it comes to being fair with Trump.  While Harris was woodshedded into a better performance than usual for her she is still Word Salad Kamala when you come down to her normal conduct. 


Kamala Harris falls flat on her face and Democrats are panicking


 ABC debate moderators spark fury for aggressive fact-checking of Trump, easy treatment of Harris

David Muir, Linsey Davis repeatedly challenged Trump's claims while letting Harris off the hook


Bombshell Undercover Sting Exposes How Google Is Actively Helping Kamala Harris


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