Trump retakes lead in Pennsylvania


Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump retook the lead over Democrat Kamala Harris in the battleground state of Pennsylvania on the strength of a new poll, according to the latest RealClearPolitics polling average updated Tuesday.

The state has gone back-and-forth since President Joe Biden dropped out of the race on July 21. Harris most recently had 0.2-point lead over Trump but that changed Tuesday, with the former president now leading by 0.2, a key momentum swing with 50 days to go.

The difference: A new InsiderAdvantage poll published Tuesday showing Trump with a 50% to 48% lead over Harris in Pennsylvania. Before that, Harris enjoyed a bump from a USA Today poll published Monday that showed her with a 3-point lead in the state.

Three other recent polls factored in by RCP have shown them locked in a tie.

Pennsylvania and its 19 electoral votes — down 1 from the 2020 election — could be the key to winning the election.

The Pennsylvania polls appear to be bouncing around.  I suspect as Harris's weakness becomes more apparent she will continue to lose ground.  Harris is so weak, she is avoiding questions from the voters and the media. 


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