Behind the attempts on Trump's life


Fmr FBI Agent to CNN: Verbiage About Trump Being a Dictator Led to Attempts on His Life

The Democrats' reckless rhetoric about Trump has led to attempts on his life.  It is also a fact that they are wrong about their allegations.  They need to calm down and start talking about the real issues in the campaign.

See also:

Another Assassination Attempt On Trump? No Surprise After Years Of Media Likening Him To Hitler

I have read several books on the Nazi era in Germany as well as biographies of Hitler.  Trump is not even remotely similar to Hitler.  Trump is not anti-semantic.  He even has Jewish grandkids.  Trump has not created death camps or other things typical of the Nazi era.  Trump has not started any wars.  The left's Trump hatred has led them to make ridiculous allegations against him and those allegations have led to attempts on his life.  They should stop their hate speech and return to the political issues they wish to pursue.


DeSantis Takes Matters Into His Own Hands on Assassination Attempt




 Remember When Kamala Harris Joked About Killing Trump?


 Don Jr. to Newsmax: Fascist Dem Rhetoric Putting My Dad in Danger


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