Biden White Houses lies about grocery prices

 NY Post:

President Biden’s chief spokesperson falsely said Tuesday that grocery prices have “come down” recently — when federal data show they cost 21.1% more than when Biden took office in 2021, including a persistent 1.1.% bump over the past year.

Labor Department data show that grocery prices have not come down, even though they are increasing less dramatically during Biden’s final year in office.

Harris, 59, revived her focus on the alleged corporate greed driving grocery-store price hikes with an ad released Tuesday in which a narrator says the Democratic presidential candidate will “make groceries more affordable by cracking down on price-gouging.”

The vice president last month announced plans for price controls on groceries — but has rarely mentioned the plan since, after withering bipartisan criticism, including from the Washington Post editorial board, which generally backs Democrats, and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

This is another example of how out of touch Kamala Harris is when it comes to the economy.

There is literally no evidence that grocery stores have increased their profit margins.  The price increases are there because of inflation which was the result of the Biden-Harris administration's reckless spending upon taking office.  They are trying to blame others for the inflation the administration caused.


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