The Cheney's prefer a radical leftist to a more conservative Trump

 Stephen Kruiser:


As C.A. Skeet wrote yesterday, Dick Cheney's endorsement of Harris is "worthless," but there's a larger point:

But his endorsement also speaks to something darker. It speaks to betrayal. If you don't like Trump or his personality, I understand why you wouldn't enthusiastically endorse him. But we rank-and-file conservatives nevertheless expect you to hold your nose and vote for him. Why? Because that's what we've done for you for over two decades now. The Bush-Cheney ticket was nobody's idea of principled conservatism. Your coinage of "compassionate conservatism" rang a lot of instinctive alarm bells, but we held our noses and voted for you anyway.

And then we held our noses and voted for McCain. And then we held our noses and voted for Romney. We didn't call for the packing of the Supreme Court after the disastrous Roberts-led decision upholding Obamacare in 2012. We didn't endorse Obama after Bush bailed out Wall Street in 2008.


Conservatives — especially those of us who are grassroots activists — have been putting up with less-than-ideal circumstances and candidates for a very long time now. I have never once thought that the best way to express my discontent was to vote for a Democrat for president. 

The Democrats of 2024 are not the Democrats of 20 years ago. The party has been lurching hard to the far left for a long time now. There is no common ground to be found with them anymore. Dick and Liz Cheney have adopted the language of the leftists because they are now leftists themselves. 

Nikki Haley had some choice words after Liz Cheney said she couldn't understand the former governor's support of Trump. This is from my RedState colleague Jeff Charles:

Haley continued, arguing, “This is about my family. This is about America.”

“If you don't like him, say you don't like him, but you can't say that his policies are worse than Kamala Harris'. That's just not a fact,” Haley concluded.

Sane, truly principled conservatives understand the threat that Kamala Harris poses to the country. As I have written on many occasions, this is not the time to let feelings get in the way. Actually, that's never a good idea, especially in a presidential election. We're trying to choose the leader of the free world, not find a life partner. 


If conservatives think Harris would be better than Trump, they are delusional. The four years of the Trump presidency were significantly better than the four Biden-Harris years. Harris is probably the most radical leftist candidate in history. She is changing her policy positions now, but before she did, she exposed where her heart is, and that is to the left of the whole country.  The Cheney position on Trump looks more personal than logical.  Their own polling demonstrates they have lost touch with the conservative base of the GOP.

See also:

Nikki Haley Obliterates Liz Cheney After Criticism Over Trump Support


 During an appearance on Fox News, Haley countered Cheney’s criticism, saying the former lawmaker “can’t say my decision is not principled” and that she is “voting based on substance.”

“I respect her decision, but she can't say my decision is not principled. It actually is. We can either vote based on style or we can vote on substance. I'm voting based on substance. I'm looking at the fact we can't live the next four years like we did the last four years. This is no contest. Harris raised taxes, Trump reduced taxes. Harris wants to stop any energy production. Trump built it up. Harris is weak on national security. Trump was strong on national security. Harris has allowed the border to be infiltrated by 8 million people. Trump was much harder on the border.”



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