Is media ignoring Harris extremism?

 Ed Morrissey:

Just who is the "extremist" in this presidential election? The mainstream media keeps trying to cast Donald Trump in that role, but his policies are closer to the mainstream -- and polling shows that voters know it.

On the other hand, the policy positions of Kamala Harris -- at least those expressed by Harris herself, rather than by anonymous aides or plagiarized from Joe Biden -- sit far on the fringe of the American electorate. In a follow-up last night to the CNN K-Files exposé that John covered, host Erin Burnett called Harris' track record "incredible stuff" in talking with K-Files reporter Andrew Kaczynski.

Burnett seemed most shocked by Harris' pledge to provide "taxpayer-funded gender transitions" for illegal immigrants, but there's more, of course:

ANDREW KACZYNSKI, CNN KFILE SENIOR EDITOR: Yeah. And this was a questionnaire that she filled out for the ACLU, and this questionnaire is really an interesting snap shot in time of that 2019 Democratic primary. Kamala Harris was trying to get to the left of Bernie Sanders. She was trying to get to the left of Elizabeth Warren and you really see that in a lot of these answers. And I want to walk our viewers through a little bit of what she said. Let's just take immigration and look at what she said here.

She said on immigration, she made this open ended pledge the end immigrant detention. She said she supported taxpayer funded gender transition surgeries for detained migrants. She also said --

BURNETT: Taxpayer-funded gender transition surgeries for detained migrants, she actually said she supported that.

KACZYNSKI: She wrote -- both wrote and answered in the affirmative when she was asked this. And she said she also supported it for federal prisoners.


Harris may be trying to walk back some of these policies but why should voters trust her at this point?  She is still a liberal radical who is often to the left of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.  Why would she think the US should pay for gender transition for illegals?  That has to be one of the goofiest ideas ever.


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