Trump leads in Michigan poll


PJ Media reports:
This is significant because Michigan and Wisconsin are considered some of Kamala Harris’s strongest chances among the swing states, yet the race remains razor thin. Pennsylvania is widely considered the tipping-point state that will determine the outcome. If Trump wins Pennsylvania, Kamala Harris would have to sweep the Sun Belt battleground states and the remaining Great Lakes states to win the election—and that's going to be extremely difficult for her to pull off.

Donald Trump, however, doesn't need Michigan to win. Yet, the strength of his support there is pretty significant, according to Major Garrett of CBS News.

"I talked to 20 voters. Not one of them was undecided. Not one," he said.

"And, headlines come and go. Support for President Trump is real and resilient. I encountered that everywhere I went, and that's something the Harris campaign knows, recognizes the fact in Michigan."

I think Trump is doing even better in Pennsylvania.  I still find it curious that the race is this tight.  Harris is a terrible candidate.  She is not that bright or articulate.  What she has going for her is the Democrat machine politics. 

See also:

CNN Reveals Kamala Harris Internals, Campaign Official Shocks With Admission


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