NY Times changes critical headline attacking Vance

 American Action News:

The New York Times quietly changed the headline of a Saturday column linking Republican Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance to a Nazi slogan.

NYT opinion columnist Jamelle Bouie headlined his column “JD Vance’s Blood-and-Soil Nationalism Finds Its Target,” referencing a Nazi slogan to suggest that Vance’s comments about the Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio, and other past rhetoric, demonstrate the Republican vice presidential candidate is a racist who should “immediately” resign his office to atone for his “ethical transgressions.” Later Saturday, after receiving heavy criticism, the Times updated the piece’s headline to read, “Shouldn’t JD Vance Represent All of Ohio?” and decided against including an editor’s note to bring attention to the change.

Vance has drawn scrutiny for his rhetoric about Springfield, a town of 60,000 that has struggled to handle a massive influx of Haitian migrants who have arrived in the country over the last several years. Especially since former President Donald Trump said that Haitians in Springfield are eating pets during Tuesday’s debate, some Democrats have asserted that the GOP’s focus on the town’s predicament is racially-motivated, while some Republicans have argued that the problems the town faces are the direct result of the Biden-Harris administration’s immigration policies.

Democrats have a fetish for inviting illegal immigrants into the country.  Since Biden was elected they have opened the borders to ten or more million illegals in an attempt to change the demographics of the country and give Democrats a majority.  They are also attempting to change the constitution to remove the Electoral College which would give Democrat states more power in selecting the president.  These attempts by Democrats make it all the more important that Trump win the 2024 election.  The republic is in peril if he loses.


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