Mexico now transporting migrants to US border

 DC Daily Journal:


The Mexican government is now actively helping migrants reach the U.S. border, busing them there if they have appointments under a controversial Biden administration policy.

Using a phone app, migrants are being paroled into the U.S., a move that has drawn sharp criticism for essentially fast-tracking illegal immigration.

The Mexican National Institute of Migration released footage showing the first busload of “foreigners” being transported from Tapachula, near Guatemala, to Reynosa, close to the U.S. border.

These migrants have secured appointments through the CBP One app, part of what Mexico is calling an “Emerging Safe Mobility Corridor.”

The Biden administration expanded the CBP One app to allow up to 1,450 migrants a day to schedule appointments at U.S. ports of entry. Once there, they can be paroled into the country if they meet certain conditions.

In other words, they are helping Biden import illegal immigrants into the US so that Democrats can change the demographics of the US and try to get a permanent majority.  This is yet another reason for US citizens to vote against Democrats who support this policy and also vote for Trump instead of Kamala Harris.  She wants to continue this awful policy.

See also:

Donald Trump on Kamala Harris’s Migrant Youth Oversight: ‘No Bigger Scandal’


“Under this administration, 325,000 migrant children are missing,” Trump said at a September 13 press conference on the California coast. “Take the biggest stadium in California and you can fill it up five or six times. Those are all missing children. Many of them are dead. Many of them are sex slaves and slaves of [a] different nature.”


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