Criticism of the Biden Afghan bugout

Fox News:

 House GOP releases scathing report on Biden's withdrawal from Afghanistan

350-page report calls out State Dept for failing to have evacuation plan despite clear warning signs


The Republican-led report opens by harkening back to President Joe Biden’s urgency to withdraw from the Vietnam War as a senator in the 1970s. That, along with the Afghanistan withdrawal, demonstrates a "pattern of callous foreign policy positions and readiness to abandon strategic partners," according to the report.

The report also disputed Biden's assertion that his hands were tied to the Doha agreement former President Trump had made with the Taliban establishing a deadline for U.S. withdrawal for the summer of 2021, and it revealed how state officials had no plan for getting Americans and allies out while there were still troops there to protect them.

The report found that Biden and Vice President Harris were advised by top leaders that the Taliban were already in violation of the conditions of the Doha agreement and, therefore, the U.S. was not obligated to leave.

The committee also found NATO allies had expressed their vehement opposition to the U.S. decision to withdraw. The British Chief of the Defense staff warned that "withdrawal under these circumstances would be perceived as a strategic victory for the Taliban."

When Trump left office, some 2,500 U.S. troops remained in Afghanistan. Biden himself was determined to draw that number to zero no matter what, according to Col. Seth Krummrich, chief of staff for Special Operations Command, who told the committee, "The president decided we’re going to leave, and he’s not listening to anybody."

Then-State Dept. spokesperson Ned Price admitted in testimony the Doha agreement was "immaterial" to Biden’s decision to withdraw.

The report also details numerous warning signs the State Department received to draw down its embassy footprint as it became clear Afghanistan would quickly fall to the Taliban. It refused to do so. At the time of the withdrawal, it was one of the largest embassies in the world.

In the end, Americans and U.S. allies were left stranded as the military was ordered to withdraw before the embassy had shuttered.

Biden's irresponsible exit from Afghanistan was a disaster for many including the Afghans who had worked with the US.

See also:

 ‘Willfully Blind’: Biden Admin Ignored Repeated Military Warnings ahead of Disastrous Afghanistan Withdrawal

 President Biden's insistence on withdrawing entirely from Afghanistan no matter the cost — despite repeated warnings from the military and NATO allies — exposed American personnel to security threats and allowed the Taliban to quickly remake the country into a terrorist safe-haven, according to a new congressional report.



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