Trump says Kamala Harris is a threat to Israel's existence

 DC Daily Journal:


“Kamala Harris is the candidate of the forces who want to destroy Western Civilization and Israel,” he declared, making it clear that the future of Israel depends on his victory.

“I am the candidate of those who want to defend Western Civilization, defend Israel.”

Trump didn’t mince words when he warned, “You’re not going to have an Israel if she becomes president. Israel will no longer exist.”

His words resonated with the audience, who erupted in cheers, standing in solidarity with his bold stance on protecting the Jewish state.

He reaffirmed his commitment to safeguarding both America and Israel, vowing, “We will keep America safe, and make sure that Israel is with us for thousands of years.”

The crowd roared in approval, rallying behind Trump’s vision of strength and security.

Speaking on the atrocities committed by terrorists, Trump condemned their actions as “evil and inhuman,” and didn’t hesitate to draw a parallel with the Democratic Party.

“Only a deeply sick political party here in America would make common cause with those who sympathize with such evil, and they are,” he said, calling out the Democrats for their dangerous alliances.

It is shocking how many on the left have been siding with Hamas after that group's leaders proclaimed their genocidal intent in dealing with Israel and engaged in the mass murder of thousands of Jews.  Hamas is the modern incarnation of the Nazis who killed millions of Jews in Germany.


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