Trump and GOP should refuse to participate in ABC debates

 The Federalist Wire:


The moderators of the debate wasted no time in fact-checking Trump for alleged lies during his many rebuttals and responses during the debate.

However, when Kamala Harris was actually spewing lies, the moderators were silent and didn’t bother to fact check her at all.

This basically led to Trump being caught up in a 3 vs. 1 situation the whole night. And because of that, Harris, her campaign, and the rest of her Leftist supporters, viewed the debate as a win for them.

Republicans, on the other hand, directed their frustration at the ABC News moderators, accusing them of bias in their fact-checking and question selection, which they argued were aimed at disadvantaging Trump.

These were not real moderators because they were biased toward Kamala Harris.  Harris sometimes comes across as a mental cripple and ABC was caught trying to help her across the line.


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