California climate kooks are losing power

 Wall Street Journal:

California’s Lights Are Out, and Gavin Newsom Isn’t Home

Customers across the state experience power outages, and climate policies are ultimately to blame.

 Summer ain’t over in California until the lights go out. A one-hour power outage kicked off my Labor Day weekend. My sister, who lives 15 minutes away, had it worse: Her home lost electricity for nearly a day. On Friday folks across the state lost power with nearly 130 outages in the city of Los Angeles alone.

Such is life in California. Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass blamed Friday’s outages on “extreme heat.” The real culprit: the state’s climate policies. As the Golden State plunges into darkness, the rest of the country could follow.


A state that is run by anti-fossil fuel operatives can't keep the lights and air conditioning on.  Here in Texas, we are not having that problem even though it is probably hotter here than in coastal California.  The California climate kooks are clearly wrong about fossil fuels and their attempts to use Big Green as a substitute are not working.

Global warming is overrated. The earth is actually cooler than it was a few hundred years ago before we were using fossil fuels.

See also:
"In five years, scientists predict we will have the first ice-free Arctic summer." John Kerry (2009)


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