ABC accused of going along with Harris attempt to rig debate


Kyle Becker
BREAKING.🚨 ABC News whistleblower swears under penalty of perjury that the Kamala Harris campaign dictated the terms of the questions during the presidential debate. Furthermore, the Harris campaign insisted upon live "fact checking" of Donald Trump during the debate. ABC News "fact checked" Trump at least five times and did not fact check Harris once, despite the Democratic candidate telling provable lies, such as the "fine people hoax" and the blo*dbath hoax." The whistleblower signed the affidavit in New York and has sent a copy to Speaker Mike Johnson, the notarized document states. The unnamed individual states that he or she is in possession of secret recordings that will prove that ABC News rigged the presidential debate. ABC News committed election interference. This is a MASSIVE scandal.
I thought it looked like it was obviously rigged for Harris from what I saw of it.  I think it probably backfired on ABC and Harris because the polling suggests that Trump is still leading.  Harris still appears to me to be an intellectual lightweight who is not good at responding to questions, much less a real debate.  ABC also has been exposed as a news network that can't be trusted to be fair with all sides.

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