Trump has better ideas for boosting economy

 Wall Street Journal:

Trump’s Best Idea: Unleashing Elon Musk on Government

The entrepreneur wants to run a commission on government efficiency.

Donald Trump’s speech on the economy last week was as usual a jumble of good (deregulation and taxes), bad (tariffs), and incoherent (child care). But one new idea he floated is a very good one and deserves more attention: The former President said he’d ask Elon Musk to run a Government Efficiency Commission.

Eyes understandably glaze over at the sound of “commission,” which is usually intended to duck a hard issue. The purpose in this case seems to be the opposite—to discover and highlight the countless ways government doesn’t work well, and suggest how to do tasks better, or perhaps not at all.
This idea differs greatly from the Kamala Harris proposal for increased taxes and regulations.  The Harris proposals would throttle growth.  Harris believes ion more government control of the economy.

 WSJ Opinion: Trump vs. Harris on Issue No. 1: The Economy


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