Biden-Harris open borders policy impacting US work force

 The Federalist Wire:


A recent Wall Street Journal (WSJ) article has shed light on the consequences of the Biden-Harris administration’s disastrous open-border policies, revealing how a staggering surge of illegal migrants – the majority of whom are working-age – has drastically altered the makeup of the U.S. labor force.

“The U.S. is experiencing its largest immigration wave in generations,” wrote WSJ economics reporter Paul Kiernan in a Wednesday piece, highlighting the scale of the crisis.

“Immigrants are swelling the population and changing the makeup of the U.S. labor force in ways that are likely to reverberate through the economy for decades,” Kiernan continued, sounding the alarm on how this influx of migrants is transforming the workforce in unprecedented ways.

“Since the end of 2020, more than nine million people have migrated to the U.S. … nearly as many as the number that came in the previous decade,” the report pointed out.
The original purpose of the Democrats was to change the demographics of the election in their favor, but the consequences are also impacting the workforce replacing American citizens with immigrants. This also has the effect of replacing black workers with migrants.

See also:



The publicly-stated goal by almost all leaders of the Democratic Party is to legalize the ~15 million illegal migrants as soon as possible, as well as bring in tens of millions more. That would immediately make all swing states deep blue, just like happened in California with the 1986 amnesty, turning America into a permanent one-party state. This is the last real election if Trump loses.
Mario Nawfal
Remember what @elonmusk said about Democrats importing voters……


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Let’s be very clear: Democrats want non-citizens to vote so badly in the 2024 election that they are willing to shut down the government over it. What does that tell you?


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