Mail in ballots do not offer secure eletions

 DC Daily Journal:


The reality is that with mail-in voting, election officials are not present when the ballot is physically filled out from the comfort of a home and in private. What this means is that it is logically impossible to be as secure as in-person voting where you present an ID and get escorted to your ballot.

That doesn’t stop the establishment from trying to peddle the narrative that starting elections two months early with mail-in ballots is a grand idea that has no pitfalls whatsoever. There are still legal battles being waged over who will actually appear on the ballot, like in Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s case, and we’re told that it’s reasonable to start the mail-in voting.

Well not only that, but now there are reports that election-related mail is running into issues with being delivered due to USPS incompetence. Election officials are sounding the alarm over this as mail-in voting is set to begin this month in some regions.

State and local election officials have raised concerns about the U.S. Postal Service’s ability to handle millions of ballots for the 2024 presidential election. In a letter to Postmaster Louis DeJoy, the National Association of State Election Directors and other officials highlighted issues such as processing delays, lost or delayed election mail, and insufficient training that could impact timely ballot delivery.

The letter stated that over the past year, including during recent primaries, mailed ballots postmarked by the required date arrived at local election offices several days past the counting deadline. Officials also reported instances of correctly addressed election mail being returned as undeliverable.

I think that mail-in ballots should be restricted for people like those in the service far from where they live and others in similar situations.  It is really not that hard for me to vote in person and obviously, millions of others can do it.


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