Focus groups shows independents support for Trump

 Red State:


The focus group comprised of seven Democrats, five independents, and five Republicans, represented by blue, yellow, and red lines, respectively. But what was interesting was how much the independents tracked with the Republicans.  

When Trump spoke of the rising crime at the hands of illegal immigrants, the yellow line monitoring the independent reaction rose drastically in Trump's favor, overlapping with the red Republican line.

"I was really, really surprised because the intensity of the independent support was there for Donald Trump and I didn't expect it," Carter said Wednesday on "The Faulkner Focus."

"Independents are tracking very much with Republicans. They're looking for a couple of things. They're looking for answers on immigration, they're looking for answers on the economy. They want to hear that things will get better for them and they also want change from what is happening right now," Carter continued. "One of the most important things they were looking for last night from Kamala Harris is how are you going to make it different?"

They didn't get it. 

When Harris said that Trump had no plan and just wanted to give tax breaks to the wealthy, the Republicans and the independents didn't approve of that, and both red and yellow lines took a dive. They clearly didn't believe her when she said that economists said her plan would be better and Trump's would cause more inflation. That took a lot of gall, given that she helped cause the record inflation. 


When Trump spoke about it, the red and yellow lines went up, indicating they were liking what they were hearing about his plans for the economy. When he said Biden-Harris had destroyed the economy, people really agreed when he talked about the prices of bacon and eggs. 

The independents weren't buying her claims on fracking either. Trump spoke about her extreme positions on defund the police, paying for gender transition for detained illegal aliens, rising crime, and even abortion, all of that hit home as well. The biggest thing was his final message — why hasn't she done any of what she's saying when she's been in office for the past three-plus years? 


The independents are not buying what Kamala Harris is selling when it comes to the economy.  They clearly do not like the Democrats' open borders policy.  Polls indicate that a substantial majority are unhappy with the Democrats' immigration policies.  The Dems made a mistake in thinking they could import illegals as votes and still hold onto their base. 

See also:

Hmmm: Reuters Focus Group Swings to Trump After Debate


 It Looks Like Trump May Have Helped Himself in the Debate


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