Is GOP rejecting its voters?

NY Times:

For Candidates in G.O.P., Renouncing Trump Carries Risks

In interviews, many Trump supporters in Arizona and New Hampshire spoke witheringly of incumbents who have withdrawn their support.
Trump became the nominee of the Republicans because the voters were angry with GOP politicians who were funding Obamacare and Obama's illegal amnesty.  When you combine the votes for Trump with the votes for Ted Cruz, a majority of Republican voters reject the Republican Congressional leadership's handling of spending.

Polls show that most of those voters still support Trump despite his mistakes.  Few if any support Hillary Clinton.  As much as I am unhappy with Trump as a candidate, I think the policies of Hillary Clinton would do greater harm to this country.

If she winds up winning this election no one should be under the illusion that she will bring the country together.  For many of us, both candidates suck.  It is just a matter of which one of the two we can tolerate.  Of the four people at the top of the two tickets, Mike Pence is the most intelligent and is best prepared to be a chief executive.

Hillary Clinton has demonstrated a lack of leadership at the State Department and a sloppiness that borders on the criminal.


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