Trump's victory strategy in 2024

 DC Daily Journal:


One of the problems that Kamala Harris has is that her base is what it is. She’s not a Trump-like figure that can unlock millions of potential voters who were previously uninterested in voting in the Presidential election. That’s what happened in 2016 when Donald Trump won in the first place. Countless Americans who had not voted in 2012 or 2008 decided to get behind Mr. Trump.

Kamala Harris just doesn’t have that capability. She’s relying on shoring up the support that exists for the Obama and Biden admin years. In one sense, you could say she’s riding the coattails and not exactly bringing anything new to the table. Donald Trump, on the other hand, still has growth to do.

While he’s polling better than he did at any point in 2016 and 2020, his campaign has identified new voting blocs that will make it extremely difficult for Kamala Harris to overcome and beat Donald Trump. The answer is in rural communities who usually stay out of politics entirely.

The Amish may play a pivotal role in helping former President Donald Trump win Pennsylvania in the upcoming presidential election. With the GOP actively working to mobilize Amish communities, the potential for increased voter turnout could shift the state’s outcome in Trump’s favor.

Pennsylvania is home to over 87,000 Amish residents, and the majority of those registered to vote are Republicans. Considering that the 2020 election was decided by a margin of approximately 81,000 votes, mobilizing more Amish voters could have a significant impact. If more of them are registered and cast ballots, this group could potentially tip the scale in Trump’s direction.

Harris is dependent on the Democrat turnout machine.  The rest of the country sees her for what she is--an intellectual lightweight who is so inarticulate that she avoids interviews and when she does have one they are described as word salads. 


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