Polls that show Trump in the lead



This probably explains why Harris is eager for another debate. In the last debate which was run by ABC, she had a home-field advantage and still managed to lose ground.  I doubt Trump will accept another debate at this point, but if he did he should insist that it be on Fox News or Newsmax instead of the water carriers for Democrats on other networks.

See also:

New Rasmussen poll reveals the disturbing results of the decade-long dehumanization campaign against Trump by the Democratic Party and the Propaganda Media: 28% of Democrats are quietly rooting for Trump’s assassination. This is a symptom of the moral rot and bankruptcy of today’s Democrat Party and the Propaganda Media.


 Ex-MSNBC Analyst: Harris Is Staring at Electoral Disaster


 Democrats privately worry Trump's support among White working class could sway the election: Report

One union official worried November could be a repeat of 2016, when Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton


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