Why the Democrats are behind

 The Dems have a twofold problem.  Biden has barely been coherent as he struggles with what appears to many to be dementia.  It got to the point where even the media could not ignore it.  

They have now put Biden to rest and retirement and Kamala Harris appears to be his heir apparent.  Her problem is that a good portion of the country sees her as a giggling dingbat.  It is something she will have to deal with if she is to even make it a close race at this point.

The Democrats would probably be better off if they had gone with one of their governors who could make a serious run for office.

Their attempt to convince a majority of voters that Donald Trump is a criminal does not appear to be working as his poll numbers are still better than Biden or Harris.  The case never made any sense to me.  The case they brought is apparently a misdemeanor that they tried to make a felony and it is really a bookkeeping issue that the CO of a company is relying on accountants and outside firms to take care of.

Another problem with this case is no one lost any money as a result of the way the accounting was done.  As someone who has prosecuted several fraud cases in the past, I never brought one where no one lost any money.  I don't think you can convince a fair jury when there are no victims.  What the prosecutors have been doing is bringing cases in jurisdictions that voted against Trump.  They were taking advantage of jury bias.

As Josh Hammer has written:

But after last Thursday's CNN presidential debate in Atlanta, in which President Joe Biden delivered a catastrophic performance for the ages, there is only one conclusion: The yearslong effort by Biden administration flunkies, Democratic Party poohbahs and pro-Regime media stenographers to forcefully deny Biden's obvious physical and mental decline will go down as the single greatest lie in American history.

 See also:

Democrats fear years of work in rural America erased by debate

“I think people just feel lied to,” said one local rural Democratic party chair in a battleground district.


 As Biden struggled to finish sentences during the debate in Atlanta last week, rural Democrats felt like they were watching their carefully coordinated, yearslong agenda to rebuild their standing in rural areas suddenly evaporate, according to interviews with Democratic voters, lawmakers, congressional aides and organizers on the ground. That’s triggered fears of a Democratic bloodbath in rural America this fall that could wipe out the party’s small remaining foothold in those regions.



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