Harris remains way behind in polling

 DC Daily Journal:


In a poll conducted by YouGov between July 21 and 23, which included 1,605 respondents (1,435 of whom are registered voters), only 31% believe Harris has what it takes to secure the presidency this year.

Interestingly, this pessimism is consistent across both genders, with the 31% figure applying to both men and women.

Conversely, 52% of respondents view Trump as the likely winner.


The Emerson College swing state poll:

In Arizona, 49% support Trump and 44% support Harris. In Georgia, 48% support Trump and 46% Harris. In Michigan, 46% support Trump and 45% Harris. In Pennsylvania, 48% support Trump and 46% Harris. In Wisconsin, 47% support Harris and Trump respectively.

The Federalist Wire also reports Sen. Schumer was embarrassed when trying to stir support for Harris: 


In an awkward moment that quickly went viral, no one clapped when Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) formally announced his support for Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee in place of President Joe Biden during a press conference on Tuesday.

“President Biden’s selfless decision has given the Democratic Party the opportunity to unite behind a new nominee. And boy, oh boy, are we enthusiastic,” Schumer began, expressing strong support for Harris while oddly claiming that this decision was grassroots-driven.

“In quick order, Vice President Harris has done a truly impressive job securing the majority of delegates needed to win the Democratic Party’s nomination to be our next President to the United States. The vast majority of my senators quickly and enthusiastically endorsed her,” he said, glossing over the fact that Democrat voters didn’t choose Harris as their nominee.

“So now that the process has played out from the grassroots bottom up, we are here today to throw our support behind Vice President Kamala Harris,” Schumer announced with enthusiasm, clapping his hands.

When he realized no one else was clapping, he awkwardly said, “I’m clapping. You don’t have to.”


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