Democrats already circling the wagons around the Harris campaign

 With Biden's decline Harris has been named the Dems nominee is what they would call a threat to democracy if the GOP did it.  Black Lives Matter is already calling them out on it:

Black Lives Matter says Dems are 'party of hypocrites' for 'installing' Harris sans 'public voting process'

'We do not live in a dictatorship. Delegates are not oligarchs,' says Black Lives Matter

I agree with BLM on this point,  "a 24-hour process of talking to party bosses is not democratic, nor is it a process Democrats should be proud of." 

The Democrats are in this position because they were committed originally to Biden who was clearly past his sell-by date.  Biden's deterioration was already apparent before his debate debacle.  The Democrats and their media cohorts just were not being honest with themselves and the voters.

There is already little enthusiasm for Harris:

WATCH: No One Claps as Chuck Schumer Endorses Harris for President; Asks for Applause, Still No One Claps

 “President Biden’s selfless decision has given the Democratic Party the opportunity to unite behind a new nominee. And boy, oh boy, are we enthusiastic,” Schumer said.  There are reasons why Schumer is wrong.  Harris is not that liked even by Democrats.

Ed Morrisey explains:

The Democrat Party did a lot more this month than just torpedo its own incumbent president and ignore the will of 14 million of its voters. Both in process and result, the Democrat establishment has sent its only real connection to its past identity to the trashbin. And in rushing to anoint Joe Biden's replacement rather than trust even a representative-democracy process, they have gone all-in on a radical new identity, based largely on radical identitarianism and hard-Left progressivism -- and all-in on elitism. 


Republicans are already taking advantage of her nomination in Senate races in several states. 


The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) circulated a memo to Senate Republican campaigns Monday highlighting controversial elements in Harris’s record, ranging from immigration and border policy, to “Medicare for All” and opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline and fracking.

Jason Thielman, executive director of the NRSC, wrote in a memo to campaigns that Harris “creates a strong down-ballot opportunity for Republicans.”

“An endorsement of Kamala Harris is an endorsement of her extreme agenda, and Harris is arguably a bigger threat to Democrats’ Senate majority than Joe Biden,” he wrote.

She was already vulnerable because of her disastrous response to the border crisis under Biden where she was named as the border czar and millions of illegals came into the country. 

See also:

CBS Implies Kamala Harris Should Be Exempt From Criticism

The changes of that happening are more than remote. 


Will Democrats suffer impulse buyer’s remorse?


 Brace yourself, America. With Kamala Harris, Democrats are about to put on an incredible show

Get ready for the tidal wave of money and faux enthusiasm that is about to flow into the campaign to elect Kamala Harris as our next president


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