NY Times now credits Obama recession for Trump growth

Thomas Lifson:
Calling it "The Most Important Least-Noticed Economic Event of the Decade," the New York Times finally acknowledges the degree to which Barack Obama's policies were strangling business investment in his final year in office. During the presidential campaign, acknowledging this "mini recession that many missed" was taboo, of course. And among those "many" who "least-noticed" it was the New York Times. So why is the Times admitting it now? Why, of course, to denigrate the achievements of President Trump in rescuing the economy from the miasma Obama inflicted on it with taxes and regulatory policies.

Even though the Times and its readers were able to disregard the suffering in the oil patch, on farms, and in the Rust Belt manufacturing strongholds, candidate Trump actively campaigned with these constituencies and won the presidency on his promise to revive them from the suffering inflicted upon them. He knew; he acted; and after he won, he revived them. As Instapundit's Glenn Reynolds quips:
It wasn't invisible – Trump saw it – they just didn't report it because they didn't want to make Obama look bad or hurt Hillary's prospects.
Now, the Times acknowledges the reality and immediately turns to crediting Obama. I kid you not:
It helps explains the economic growth spurt of the last two years. The end of the mini-recession in the spring of 2016 created a capital spending rebound that began in mid-2016, and it has contributed to speedier growth since. Oil prices have reached four-year highs, a major factor in a surge in business investment this year.
It is interesting to see how liberals use pretzel logic to attack the Trump economy.  Trump reversed the Obama policies that caused the recession and the Times credits Obama.   That is an unbelievable analysis.


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