Media ignores the evidence about the caravan
NY Times:
Elsewhere, the NY Times accuses the President of trying to divide Americans on this issue. That makes no sense. It has been an issue with a majority of voters for some time and Trump tapped into it in winning the 2016 election. Democrats also used to oppose it until they figured out that having several illegals in the US benefits them in adding House seats if the illegals are counted in the census. That is why they are so adamant in trying to stop the Trump administration from asking the citizenship question on the census questionnaire.
Actually, the ports I have seen elsewhere suggest 100 or so Bangladesh citizens are part of the caravan. Judicial Watch among others has made this claim. As noted below there is also ample evidence of the violence perpetrated against the Mexican police who tried to stop the caravan and also an alleged robbery of a store along the route. Sara Carter has more on those other than Central Americans in the caravan.Trump and G.O.P. Candidates Escalate Race and Fear as Election Ploys
The president’s unsubstantiated charge that “unknown Middle Easterners” were part of the migrant caravan was an escalation of his efforts to stoke fears ahead of the Nov. 6 vote.
Elsewhere, the NY Times accuses the President of trying to divide Americans on this issue. That makes no sense. It has been an issue with a majority of voters for some time and Trump tapped into it in winning the 2016 election. Democrats also used to oppose it until they figured out that having several illegals in the US benefits them in adding House seats if the illegals are counted in the census. That is why they are so adamant in trying to stop the Trump administration from asking the citizenship question on the census questionnaire.
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