No GOP senator should think that Democrats will be mollified by any compromise on Kavanaugh

Derek Hunter:

These women have an opportunity to tell their stories and hopefully get justice. I hope they do. And I hope journalists who’ve granted them hero status, follow up and air their stories so other women won’t risk being victimized by their attackers.

But they’re also dedicated liberal activists. There is no investigation, no piece of evidence (or lack thereof) that will change their opposition to Kavanaugh. If Dr. Ford herself held a press conference saying she’d had more memories recovered and she now realizes she was wrong about him, Archia and Gallagher will not then encourage you to vote your consciences.

The same people who’ve been threatening all of you and your staffs are the same people you’re hoping to placate. There is no process that ends with anything other than what they want that will quell this angry mob.

I know you don’t want to believe that, you’d prefer to believe there is some magical path forward that will please everyone. That doesn’t exist.

Hours after Senator Flake caused yet another FBI background check of Judge Kavanaugh, the official Twitter account the Women’s March tweeted out his picture with the caption, “Rape Apologist.”

In fact, they called every single one of your colleagues on the Judiciary Committee a “Rape Apologist,” with each getting their own tweet and captioned photo. Do you believe your fellow Republican Senators are rape apologists? How do you find middle ground with that? What, short of total and complete capitulation, will be enough for them?

What will be enough for people who verbally attacked Senator Ted Cruz and his wife in a restaurant? Or Secretary Kristjen Neilson? Or anyone else with an (R) as their political affiliation who’s been on the receiving end of the liberal mob’s rage?
The opposition has been taken over by liberal fascists and hooligans some of which are trying to weaponize victimhood.  They are not people that will be mollified by complete capitulation and if senators do that they will permanently have lost the support of the GOP base.   Democrats have zero interest in any middle ground solution.  Lindsay Graham was right.  If you vote against Kavanaugh you will be siding with a smear campaign and make it more likely that all future nominees will face the same thing.


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