Perry to speak at July 4 Austin Tea Party

From Americans For Prosperity:

Americans for Prosperity-Texas announced today that Gov. Rick Perry will join the lineup of conservative leaders speaking at the “Take Back America” Tea Party on July 4 at the state capitol in Austin.

It is the second time Gov. Perry will speak at an Austin Tea Party. The first one, held April 15 at Austin City Hall, drew roughly 2,500 people. A line in the governor’s speech that day became the central message for the July 4 Tea Party: “Cut spending, cut taxes, shrink the size of government and re-read the Constitution!”


“Washington D.C. should look to Texas as a model,” said Peggy Venable, AFP-Texas director. “Under the conservative leadership in this state, Texas has become the top state in the country for job creation, we have the most Fortune 500 companies, more government transparency, are the largest exporting state, and still were able to balance our budget and leave $9 billion in the rainy day fund.”

Texas is the only large state in the country to have a balanced budget.


Sen. Cornyn is also scheduled to speak at the event. The Tea Party movement has been a way to let voters express their opinion about the uncontrolled Obama debt machine in Washington. It shows no sign of abating at this point and voters will have make some changes at the next election to effect real change in the way Washington is spending their money.


  1. There is an error in your assumption that this is a protest against the Obama debt machine. While I agree with that, it is also a protest against all Washington elitists who think they know better than you or me, what's best for our country. Don't forget that Bush started the spending free-for-all during his last months in office. Obama simply picked up the ball passed from Bush. The Republicans are porkers every bit as much as the Democrats.

    As to Cornyn, he should just stay home. Remember he voted for Bush's stimulus even though the cry of Texans, his constituents, were opposed to the plan. He won't get my vote next time around.

  2. Both Cornyn and Perry got the booing they deserve for their support of unconstitutional policies.

    While Rick Perry talks about smaller, less intrusive government, his record of action screams the opposite.

    Perry supported the Trans-Texas Corridor.

    Perry pushed through big business margins taxes.

    Perry tried to mandate that all young girls in Texas be forced to take an HPV vaccine that has been shown to be ineffective and possibly dangerous.

    Perry supported the raid on the FLDS compound, where 429 children were forcibly removed from their families on the basis of a single out-of-state crank call.

    If his actions reflected his words, Perry would be a hero. Sadly they do not. He's just another power-grabbing politician.


  3. Both Cornyn and Perry got the booing they deserved.

    While Perry talks about smaller less-intrusive government, his actions scream the opposite.

    * Perry supported the multi-billion dollar toll road boondoggle known as the Trans Texas Corridor.

    * Perry pushed through the Big Business Margins Tax that left small business owners paying taxes on their revenues, not their income or profits.

    * Perry tried to force all young girls in Texas to take an ineffective and potential dangerous HPV vaccine.

    * Perry supported the raid on the FLDS compound in which 429 Texas children were forcibly removed from their families on the basis of a single out-of-state crank call.

    If his actions matched his words at the tea-party, then Rick Perry would be a hero. But they do not. The governor's actions show him to be just another power-hungry politician.



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