Trashy Dowd

Andrew Sullivan:

"DOWD DEGENERATES: Yes, it's possible. One - perhaps the only - theme of Maureen Dowd's columns is her man-hatred. You know she's really out for someone when she mentions their testosterone. Imagine a male columnist writing about female politicians constantly mentioning PMS. But I digress. Here's her "analysis" of Donald Rumsfeld's role in the liberation of Afghanistan and Iraq: "I would describe him as the man who trashed two countries..." Now no-one can claim that everything is hunk-dory in Afghanistan and Iraq. But, compared to their existence under Saddam and the Taliban ... they're "trashed"? After two of the most target-precise wars ever conducted, with billions of reconstruction money going to Iraq, with levels of human freedom in both countries unprecedented in their history? Trashed? Dowd thinks that it was American intervention and not Saddam and sanctions that "trashed" Iraq? Is she serious? Stupid question."


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