Good news in no news in IraqStrategy Page:

"The war against Baath continues, with coalition casualties running at 3-4 a day, from a dozen or so combat actions. Many of the raids on suspected Baath bases result in no violence, as overwhelming force is customarily used and sometimes negotiations with local civilians (and the payment of cash rewards) precedes the raids. Email from the troops is full of amazement at how the media is reporting the situation in Iraq. Most of the country is peaceful and getting itself back together after three decades of corruption and tyranny. But the journalists rush to the sound of any gunfire (usually in a Sunni neighborhood where the locals want Saddam back) and report a war that doesn't exist. Troops who have confronted journalists and pointed this out either get a shrug or are told, in so many words, that 'good news is no news.'"

Dick Morris talks about the Presidents dropping poll numbers because of the news from Iraq. Instapundit has documented several cases of media bias on Iraq. That media bias is having the effect of not only undermining progress in Iraq, but support for the President. That is probably the intent of those responsible for it. It has been noted that the bias began being dominate when the imbedded reporters left Iraq. The Defense Department needs to consider ways to bring back the imbeds so the truth gets out.


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