Spying for Syria at gitmo

A US Air force enlisted man has been charged with espionage on behalf of Syria.

"...THE INVESTIGATION came to light Tuesday after Pentagon officials said the man, later identified as Senior Airman Ahmad al-Halabi, 24, of Detroit, was being held for investigation of possible misuse of classified information.

"After an NBC News report revealed an investigation into what U.S. officials said could be a “widespread conspiracy,” the Pentagon named al-Halabi, saying he had been formally charged on 32 counts sometime after he was arrested in July.

"In addition to al-Halabi, military officials told NBC News that other potential suspects included a member of the Army, a member of the Navy and a Marine Corps contractor. Intelligence officials said all four were Muslims.

"Al-Halabi, who worked as a translator for military interrogators questioning al-Qaida and Taliban prisoners at the prison camp, was charged with nine counts related to espionage, three counts of aiding the enemy, 11 counts of disobeying a lawful order and nine counts of making a false official statement, the Pentagon said. He was being held at Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif.

"Al-Halabi was arrested July 23 at the Naval Air Station in Jacksonville, Fla., where he was en route to Syria, officials told NBC News. The next day, military authorities flew him to Travis Air Force Base, Calif., before he was transferred to Vandenberg.

"The 10-page indictment accuses al-Halabi of sending intelligence, names and serial numbers of detainees by e-mail to a known enemy. He was carrying a laptop computer with 180 electronic notes to be delivered to Syria, it claims."

Al-Halabi is evidently not connected to Yee case.


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