The Dems just wanted to bluff Saddam

In 1998 when Clinton used a significant number of cruise missiles against Iraq, Congressional Democrats and Germany and France puffed their chest and talked about how important it was to get rid of Saddam's WMD. It was all a bluff. They never intended to take decisive action against Saddam. Recent reports from Iraq indicate Saddam and his sons knew it was just a bluff. They knew all they had to do was hunker down for a few days and it would go away.

When you hear John Kerry talking about how he voted for the war resolution in 2002 in order to permit the threat of force to get Saddam to comply, its clear that he and many Democrats only wanted to engaged in another bluff. Wesley Clarke's twisted conversations about his many positions on the war resolution also suggest that he would have only used the resolution as a bluff. It is amazing that the Dems thought bluffing would work this time when it had been so unsuccessful in the past.

It is now clear, the Dems want to replace decisive action with a posture and pop faux toughness. Puff the chest and pop off a few cruise missiles is the Democrats answer to world terrorism. That really worked well against both Saddam and Osama.

Ted Kennnedy and other liberals have made the false charge that our policy in Iraq is failure. This is probably just wishful thinking on their part and Saddam's. It is far to early to come any conclusions about the success or failure of our mission in Iraq. However, occassional acts of impotance in the form of terrorist bombings are not a measure of the success of the project. The Klu Kux Klan engaged in such activity for a 100 years after the civil war and no liberal suggested that the civil war was a mistake. What the US is experiencing in Iraq at this time is the equivalent of Klan activity.

While this is enough to rout some of the Democrats, it should not be enough to rout a great nation. In only one such raid has the enemy mounted an operation in platoon strength. The result was that the whole platoon was captured. This is the reality of operations in Iraq. Anytime the Saddamites attempt to mount an operation of more than three or four persons, they fail. They have to keep to fire team size units to avoid detection and have any possibility of escape.

In contrast, in Vietnam, the VC regularly operated in battalion or larger size units. In some cases they conducted division size operation. For democrats to be making quagmire predictions based on this stage of the conflict only indicates how unsuited they are for leadership in this war.

And do not whine about your patriotism being challenged. It is your bad policy ideas that are being criticized. Wesley Clarke has not persuaded me that rooting for the enemy is a an act of "new" patriotism.


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