Iraq report

Bob Maginnas via "Inside the Ring:"

"Another great day in Iraq is completed. We flew to Mosul and joined the 101st Airborne at their palace. The division is doing great things to turn that region into a potential democracy. They have taken $30 million and invested it into thousands of projects that are quickly transforming that area into a safer and prosperous region. This is a great case study on how to build a new nation.

"We drove to the center of Mosul to meet the mayor and the vice governor of the province. No IEDs [improvised explosive devices] or mortar attacks, just a lot of Iraqis waving and smiling. We flew via Black Hawk to 4th Infantry Division HQs in Tikrit. The Sunni triangle is still dangerous but the division is making great strides.

"Like the 101st in Mosul, the 4ID is executing a plan to perfection and adjusting as appropriate. After a briefing in Saddam's favorite palace, we drove to the local government HQs where we met the governors of the three provinces controlled by the 4ID. I asked the governors what message they would give to America. One asked that we be patient. He promised that Iraq would rapidly improve and only America has the talent and resources to change Iraq into a shining light in the Mideast.

"After dinner with some soldiers who described recent mortar attacks and IED problems, we loaded on Black Hawks and flew to an airfield north of Baghdad and loaded on a C-130 and made a blacked out combat departure. Absolutely great trip. I've had little sleep but have thoroughly enjoyed the experience and no doubt understand the issues much better."


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