Responding to the Bush haters

Andrew Sullivan:

"...I just don't think Bush is maliciously intent on destroying the fabric of the country. In fact, I think the president has done a pretty good job of responding boldly to some of the gravest crises the country has ever faced. But the intensity of the desire to see him defeated - by whatever means and whoever benefits - is a real phenomenon. It's stronger and more widespread than the antipathy to Clinton in, say, 1996. It will propel the coming electoral cycle. All the frustration that so many felt at the cultural realignment in the wake of 9/11 is going to come to a head. It was bad enough for some that this "moron" was elected. But that he presided over a real shift in the country's mood - against apologizing for American power, against appeasement of Islamo-extremism - is still too much to contemplate with equanimity. This is payback time."


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