The crackup of the left

Roger L. Simon:
The Left is having the worst flu season ever. Almost all of them have been infected by Trump Derangement Syndrome to such a degree that they can't see or think straight. It's a plague year -- make that two years -- and we're living it. Oh, how we're living it!

Self-destructive, nincompoop behavior is rampant with members of the so-called Resistance (what a desecration of the real Resistance that is!) now showing up at restaurants to harass members of the administration while they eat. Do these clowns have any idea how that plays in Middle America? Do these people think they are accomplishing anything but their own defeat?

And how about yet another Fonda hoping Trump's young son would be locked in a cage with pederasts? Does that aging Hollywood nitwit actually think he's influencing public opinion in his direction by saying that? Has he had a lobotomy?

The problem is that it's not just Hollywood lamebrains and jejune social justice idiots that have been infected, it's the entire liberal/progressive side of the country, starting with the literary/media elites who give them their marching orders.

They are all having a nervous breakdown and it keeps getting worse, because... because.... because Trump.

But I have news for them. It's not at all about Trump. It's about them.

Trump is what the shrinks call the "presenting complaint." The real problem, as is often the case in psychotherapy, is something entirely different. And it is this: The left is dead. It's not only dead, it's decomposed with no there there or anywhere.

Only dopes or con artists believe in socialism anymore (hello, Venezuela!) and identity politics has been exposed as the racist shell game it is with blacks and Latinos actually doing better than they have in decades under the current pro-capitalist administration.

So the left has nothing to say, only most of them don't quite realize it yet. But this blockage, this reluctance and even inability to deal with what is actually happening shuts down the brain and emerges as anger, the hamster wheel of constant rage against Trump.
Trump is more of a pragmatist than a doctrinaire conservative.  He has just grabbed some conservative ideas because he thinks they will work and the economy is proving his point.   As the post below makes clear, the left's response to this is hysteria and a witch hunt because they fear that "evil" is prevailing.  There is no reasoning with them.  Many of them won't even discuss what is happening over lunch because they think those who disagree with the are in league with the devil.


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